World Water Day 22 March:
UN's message for 2023
Dysfunction throughout the water cycle undermines progress on all major global issues, from health to hunger, gender equality to jobs, education to industry, and disasters to peace.
In 2015, the world committed to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 as part of the 2030 Agenda – the promise that everyone would have safely managed water and sanitation by 2030.
Right now, we are seriously off-track.
Billions of people and countless schools, businesses, healthcare centers, farms, and factories are being held back because their human rights to water and sanitation still need to be fulfilled.
There is an urgent need to accelerate change – to go beyond ‘business as usual.’
The latest data show that governments must work on average four times faster to meet SDG 6 on time, but this is not a situation that any single actor or group can solve.
Water affects everyone, so we need everyone to take action.
Did you know?
- 1.4 million people die annually and 74 million will have their lives shortened by diseases related to poor water, sanitation and hygiene. (WHO 2022)
- Today, 1 in 4 people – 2 billion people worldwide – lack safe drinking water. (WHO/UNICEF 2021)
- Almost half of the global population – 3.6 billion people – lack safe sanitation. (WHO/UNICEF 2021)
- Globally, 44 per cent of household wastewater is not safely treated. (UN-Water 2021)
- Global water demand (in water withdrawals) is projected to increase by 55 per cent by 2050. (OECD 2012)
Due to the activities carried out in the system of the Veolia Djur CJSC, including investment projects, in 2022 new achievements were recorded in terms of meeting the consumer needs, improving the water supply duration, organizing water sales and improving accounting. And all these measures are taken under conditions of targeted and continuous water saving.
- water sold to customers (billed water consumption) increased by 10.8 mln m3 (by 7.5%);
- number of customers increased by 8,5 thousand;
- 65 thousand water meters installed and replaced.
- water production decreased by 7.1 mln m3 (by 1.29%);
Average water hours in 2022 have made:
- in Yerevan - 23.2 hours,
- in other cities - 20.6 hours,
- in villages - 20.2 hours.